Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year - Same Goals as We Enter The High School Years?

So, we start a new decade. Our home education journey began in 1994 when C-Knight was born. We continued on this track with the the other three who followed shortly after. Altogether, we have three knights and one princess that are 5 1/2 years apart total. With the oldest in high school now, we really need to get on the ball. With that said, tomorrow I will see how far we are behind and where we need to end.

So, we are committed to the long haul. Our desire was initially to allow our children to learn in an environment that would allow them to bloom in their own way to be all Christ was purposing them to be for Him. Now, I feel we have accomplished some of this but not everything. In some ways I am encouraged, in others I really struggle.

Have my children learned to love learning? Probably not as much as I would like but we are not finished yet. We are committed to following this path to the end. Why? Because it is what we are meant to be and do. It's just our normal.

Beginning on Monday, we are going to intentionally set aside two hours each day for read alouds and independent reading. Whether my eager pupils realize it or not, their Mom is committed to their reading level. I am so inspired by stories like Ben Carson, coming through horrible circumstances by the power of a Mom and reading. I hope to duplicate that desire as reading is the true love of learning!


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