Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wow-What A Difference

Well, we just started using our Workbox system today. I was a little hesitant as my dc's are a little older. But, I just have to say, "Workboxes, where have you been all my life?" The system is easy and visual!! Yes, visually I can see what everyone is working on and how they are progressing. With each child getting only three "help" cards, there has not been the popcorn attitude we usually deal with. With that, I mean every time they don't get something immediately, they jump over to my desk and ask, go back, next child comes over with questions, etc. for the entire day.

We had a late start because we went over all the "how-to" directions this morning. However, once we started they have been working great!! I believe this system is going to allow us to complete so much more than before and close some of the gaps I think we have. For instance, one ds seems to only be working on Math and Science when I observe his work. Miraculously, he can complete Literature which is his most difficult subject without me ever catching him working on that subject. Crazy how that happens, IYKWIM. This way, I can see that he is truly spending time in each and every subject.

So far, this is a dream. Well, maybe not a dream but better than normal. If you haven't given the Workbox system a try, you might want to. However, some of you probably have dc's that truly do everything listed whether you are watching them or not. LOL.

For the rest of us, Workboxes are the Bomb!!


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